Friday, May 15, 2020

Te Kauru- Our classroom May 18th 2020 Covid 19 Level 2

After the announcement, last Monday, May 11, [schools to reopen Monday, May 18] 2020, all staff at Paparore school met on Wednesday, May 13 to discuss and prepare for the reopening of the school. 
Guidelines, health, and safety, classroom organization, distancing, hand washing, school breaks, duties, buses, hand sanitizing, drop-offs and pickups, clean up surfaces, staggered lunch and play breaks, and as the day went on lots of other things to consider in our classrooms; 
Seating arrangement, toilet breaks, hand washing, sanitizing, classroom equipmentmovement in the classroom, use of devices, entering and leaving the classroom. 
This Monday as we discuss the changes to what we knew as normal there will very likely be more to add to the changes within the classroom and school environment we will have to learn. I sure together as a school community we can deal with the new look and keep on with the learning. We can do this.

The first change the students will see and get used to is the classroom environment. The seating arrangement takes me back to memories of when I was in a senior class with up to 30 + students seated at desks in rows. Not much room to move around. We are so lucky to have a large learning space for the senior class. It is a perfect space for the 30 students, a teacher, and a teacher aide. 
New times new challenges. Kia Kaha.


  1. Hi Te Kauru, my name is Alyx and I am from Kakapo Class at PCS. It felt weird for us coming back to school at first too, but it is also so good to be back.
    You might to look at our class blog ☺

  2. hi my name is yatharth im from pompaliier cathlic school wow there is a lots of space well done

  3. go and comment on our blog

  4. Lock down and this happens pretty cool i love how the tables are in lines and two squares apart


  5. You are so lucky to have such an amazing learning space during the changing stages of Covid. It looks like you have it all sorted though. I hope this L2 doesn't last too long.

  6. I really love how our classroom is set up :-)
