Friday, September 14, 2018

Term 3 - STEAM Kits - Electronics with Arduino Boards

This term the students have been continuing their STEAM learning using the STEAM Electronics kits. They have been learning how to block code using the program Snap4Arduino. The purpose of this learning has been for the students to control one or more LED lights on an electronic arduino board using code. They have learnt to turn the LED on, make it flicker, alternate the current and slowly dim the LED. Each week the coding expectation has increased, which has been very tricky and the students have shown perseverance in achieving successful outcomes!

To view more photo click on this link - STEAM KITS TERM 3

1 comment:

  1. Tena Koutou Te Kauru Whanau,
    My class is visiting your blogs and are finding lots of similarities in our learning. We've done electronics also. Like you all, many of us are learning how to code, and many of the students in our classroom are experts. Unfortunately, we aren't familiar with Snap4Arduino....although it looks intriguing and we might just check it out - THANK YOU. We can't wait to see what you will be doing in the future.
    Nga mihi
    Whaea Gaylene & Room 3 students.
